Using Conda Environments
Using Widgets
Requesting a GPU
You will need to be part of gpuq2. Request to be added to the gpuq2.
Do Not Run Jupyter on the Login Nodes
Base Conda Environment
Follow Qs 45: How I install my own conda environment without root access
conda install -c anaconda jupyter
After installation, you can do the following to launch an interative job:
qsub -I -q gpuq2 -l select=1:ncpus=1:ngpus=1:mem=12gb,walltime=0:13:00
jupyter-notebook --no-browser --port=8555
On a seperate terminal (terminal for Mac/linux and Windows Command Prompt (for windows desktop users) type this to enable tunneling:
ssh -N -f -L port:n061:port s123456@gc-prd-hpclogin1.rcs.griffith.edu.au
e.g: ssh -N -f -L 88898555:n061:8889 8555 s123456@gc-prd-hpclogin1.rcs.griffith.edu.au
It should return nothing if successful.
Now, open a web browser on your laptop/desktop and copy and paste the URL from the jupyter notebook output
Running as a batch job
An example pbs script (pbs.jupyter) is as follows: