We have adopted these instructions from Princeton Research Computing HPC wiki page. We acknowledge it as the source and the page to go to for running jupyter notebooks on HPC.
Using Conda Environments: create a Conda environment on the login node
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source /usr/local/bin/s3proxy.sh #To gain internet access on the login node module load anaconda3/2021.11 conda create --name snumber-tf-cpu ipykernel tensorflow pandas matplotlib (e.g: conda create --name s123456-tf-cpu ipykernel tensorflow pandas matplotlib) exit |
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module load anaconda3/2021.11 source activate <you environment> #e.g source activate s123456-tf-cpu conda install <another-package-1> <another-package-2> conda deactivate exit For some packages you will need to add the conda-forge channel or even perform the installation using pip as the last step. |
conda create --name widg-env --channel conda-forge matplotlib jupyterlab ipywidgets ipympl