No Format |
#### This section defines options for the pbs batching system
#PBS -m abe
#PBS -M YourEmail@griffith.edu.au
#PBS -q workq
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=2gb,walltime=60:00:00
#PBS -N vivaxIBMS3
###Load the pgi compilers.
module load compilers/pgi-32bit-12.4
###Load the R
module load R/4.0.3
#### This section is for my debugging purposes (not required)
echo Running on host `hostname`
echo Time is `date`
#### This section is setting up and running your executable or script
###cd /export/home/s12345/pbs/R/
echo Directory is `pwd`
source $HOME/.bashrc
R CMD BATCH '--args a=1 b=c(2,5,6)' test.R test.out
#CMD BATCH options which tells it to immediately run an R program
#instead of presenting an interactive prompt
#R.out is the screen output
#results.Rout is the R program output