ansys v16.1 is available to Griffith HPC users.
module load ansys/v161
Sample PBS script
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# This is an example of PBS script file for ansys #PBS -N Hasan #PBS -m e #PBS -M h.karampour@griffith.edu.au # specifies number of CPUs (ncpus) used in PBS ###PBS -l ncpus=[no. of CPUs] #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=10g,walltime=24:00:00 # specifies the job name, input file and output file jobname=MyAnsysRun jobInput=/export/home/s2644222/pbs/input/80x3pipecc.inp ###jobOutput=/export/home/s2644222/pbs/output/ansysOUTput.txt # specifies working directory work_dir=/export/home/s2644222/pbs/workdir ## sets up the anys environment module load ansys/v161 module list # starts simulation cd $work_dir ###ansys161 -b -p aa_r -j $jobname -I $jobInput -o $jobOutput -np 4 ansys161 -b -p aa_r -j $jobname -I $jobInput -np 4 |
Special Notes
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We recommend using infiniband for interconnect and intel mpi. You may use the following options in the pbs script module load intel-mpi/ -p infiniband -mpi=intel |