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FEKO is a comprehensive electromagnetic simulation software tool for the electromagnetic field analysis of 3D structures. It offers multiple state-of-the-art numerical methods for the solution of Maxwell’s equations, enabling its users to solve a wide range of electromagnetic problems encountered in various industries.
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module load feko/7.0-n058 OR module load feko/7.0-n059 Please include the following in the pbs script: mkdir $HOME/.feko/7.0 FEKO_USER_HOME $HOME/.feko/7.0 #This is not needed: source /sw/feko/7.0.2/bin/initfeko FEKO is installed on all nodenodes n058on andthe n059. cluster. However, Griffith University has one Donated license (floating on server gc-prd-erslic) which expires on 2016-09-30 An example of a PBS script if using node n058 is: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #!/bin/bash #PBS -N FEKO #PBS -m abe #PBS -M #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=2:mem=14gb -l walltime=100:00:00 ###PBS -l select=1:ncpus=2:mem=14gb:host=n058 -l walltime=100:00:00 module load feko/7.0-n058 export FEKO_USER_HOME=/export/home/snumber source $HOME/.bashrc echo "Starting job: " mkdir -p $HOME/.feko/7.0 export FEKO_USER_HOME=$HOME/.feko/7.0 cd $FEKO_USER_HOME feko /sw/feko/n058/examples/GetStarted_models/Project1-Rectangular_Horn_Antenna/Horn.fek >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |