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To create containers, we use
Simple "singularity pull" with s3proxy stopped working for docker hubs around Oct 2020. This is due to the changes (limits) docker introduced. To avoid hitting the limits, Griffith team implemented steps to stop direct access through the s3proxy http proxy to the docker hub registry (see for notes)


No Format
1. Find the Docker image ID.
docker images
REPOSITORY        TAG       IMAGE ID        CREATED        SIZE
hello-world       latest    bf756fb1ae65    5 months ago   13.3kB
godlovedc/lolcow  latest    577c1fe8e6d8    2 years ago    241MB

2. Create a tarball of the Docker image. 
For the Docker image you want to port to Griffith HPC, 
for example, godlovedc/lolcow with an image ID of 577c1fe8e6d8, 
create a tarball using the docker save command:
docker save 577c1fe8e6d8 -o lolcow.tar 

3. Copy the tarball to Griffith HPC
Use scp or winscp or cyberduck etc 
scp lolcow.tar

4. Convert the tarball to a Singularity image.
module load singularity
singularity build --sandbox lolcow docker-archive://lolcow.tar

If the tarball is not in the current working directory, specify the path, for example, /tmp:
singularity build --sandbox lolcow docker-archive:///tmp/lolcow.tar
singularity build --sandbox pytorch docker-archive:////sw/Containers/docker/pytorchnew.tar

In this example, lolcow is the directory name of the Singularity image.

5. Run the Singularity sandbox as usual for testing. Once testing is over, use it in a pbs script (see example above). 
For example: 
singularity shell lolcow
singularity exec lolcow cowsay hello
singularity run lolcow
