SDP has become an extremely active subject in the field of optimization/mathematical programming. It consists in minimizing/maximizing a linear objective function restricted to linear constraints on the cone of positive semidefinite symmetric matrices. Besides its interesting theoretical properties, some eminently practical applications in control theory, combinatorial optimization, algebra, quantum information, quantum chemistry, etc., have enhanced a tremendous interest in SDP.
module load sdpa/7.3.8 |
module load library/lapackBlas/3.6.0 #tar xzf sdpa_7.3.X.tar.gz #cd sdpa-7.3.X export CC=gcc export CXX=g++ export FC=gfortran export CFLAGS="-funroll-all-loops" export CXXFLAGS="-funroll-all-loops" export FFLAGS="-funroll-all-loops" ./configure --prefix=/sw/sdpa/7.3.8 2>&1 | tee configure.log make 2>&1 | tee make.log make install 2>&1 | tee makeInstall.log #cd /sw/sdpa/7.3.8/share/sdpa/mex #module load matlab/2015b #make 2>&1 | tee makeMatlab.log |