XBeach is a two-dimensional model for wave propagation, long waves and mean flow, sediment transport and morphological changes of the nearshore area, beaches, dunes and backbarrier during storms.
module load xbeach/xbeach OR module load xbeach/xbeach-netcdf
Upgrade the version of subversion
See packages here: http://opensource.wandisco.com/centos/6/svn-1.8/RPMS/x86_64/
Python modules MarkupSafe and Mako
module load python/2.7.1 MarkupSafe ========== cd /tmp tar -zxvf MarkupSafe-0.9.3.tar.gz cd /tmp/MarkupSafe-0.9.3 python setup.py build python setup.py install Mako ==== wget https://pypi.python.org/packages/7a/ae/925434246ee90b42e8ef57d3b30a0ab7caf9a2de3e449b876c56dcb48155/Mako-1.0.4.tar.gz#md5=c5fc31a323dd4990683d2f2da02d4e20 tar -zxvf Mako-1.0.4.tar.gz cd /tmp/Mako-1.0.4 python setup.py build python setup.py install
XBeach installation
cd /sw/xbeach/src/ unzip XBeach_src.zip cd /sw/xbeach/src/XBeach sh autogen.sh >>>>>> Preparing the xbeach build system...please wait Found GNU Autoconf version 2.63 Found GNU Automake version 1.11.1 Found GNU Libtool version 2.2.6b Automatically preparing build ... done The xbeach build system is now prepared. To build here, run: ./configure make If you want to run the executable from a specific directory: ./configure --prefix=/path/to/executable/directory/withoutbin make make install >>>>>>> chmod +x makedepo.py chmod +x scripts/generate.py ./configure --prefix=/sw/xbeach make install
XBeach with netCDF enabled
module load python/2.7.1 module load NetCDF/ chmod +x makedepo.py chmod +x scripts/generate.py sh autogen.sh 2>&1 | tee autgenLog.txt ./configure --help ./configure --with-netcdf --prefix=/sw/xbeach/xbeach-withNETCDF 2>&1 | tee configureLog-withnetcdf.txt make 2>&1 | tee makeLog.txt