The main website for Dock is http://dock.compbio.ucsf.edu
We have version 6.5 at the moment.
Install Directory
Executables are located at:
/sw/dock/6.5/gnu/bin /sw/dock/6.5/gnu.acml/bin /sw/dock/6.5/gnu.ompi/bin
gnu ==> compiled with gnu compiler
gnu.acml ==> compiled using gnu compilers and included acml libraries
gnu.ompi ==> compiled using openMPI
module load dock/6.6.gnu OR module load dock/6.5.gnu module load dock/6.5.gnu.acml module load dock/6.5.ompi
Dock 6.5 Compile Configuration
Installation Notes
mkdir /sw/dock/6.5 mkdir src cd /sw/dock/6.5/src cp /data1/dock.6.5_source.tar.gz . tar -zxvf dock.6.5_source.tar.gz /sw/dock/6.5/src/dock6/install make distclean >>>>>>>>>>>> ./configure gnu The requested configuration file was found. The DOCK configuration file has been created. more config.h # DOCK configuration file for GNU compilers. # This configuration file can be used on many platforms: # Linux, Macintosh OS X, Windows with Cygwin, etc. # If g77 is not available then change FC below to gfortran or g95. # CC is the C compiler # CXX is the C++ compiler # CFLAGS is the flags for the C and C++ compilers # FC is the Fortran compiler # FFLAGS is the flags for the Fortran compiler # LIBS is the flags for the linker # LINK_WITHOUT_FORTRAN_MAIN is the flag for linking without Fortran's main # LOAD is the command to invoke the linker # DOCK_SUFFIX is the suffix for the dock executable CC= gcc CXX= g++ CFLAGS= -O2 FC= gfortran #Changed this from g77 to gfortran FFLAGS= -O2 -fno-automatic -fno-second-underscore LIBS= -lm -lpthread LINK_WITHOUT_FORTRAN_MAIN= LOAD= g++ DOCK_SUFFIX= # Macro definitions for NAB # AR is the library archiver # LEX is the lexical analyzer generator # OCFLAGS is the flags for the C compilers with high optimization # RANLIB is the library index generator AR= ar rv LEX= flex OCFLAGS= -O3 -D_ANSI_SOURCE RANLIB= ranlib DOCKHOME=/sw/dock/6.5/gnu #Changed this to /sw/dock/6.5/gnu # Created at Thu Aug 11 13:44:42 EST 2011 via ./configure gnu >>>>>>>>>>> check: config.h make all 2>&1 | tee log.configure.dock_gnu.txt mv /sw/dock/6.5/src/dock6 /sw/dock/6.5/ cd /sw/dock/6.5/ mv dock6 gnu cd /sw/dock/6.5/gnu/install cd test; make test Validation of DOCK v6.5 is complete at Thu Aug 11 14:10:40 EST 2011.
module list Currently Loaded Modulefiles: 1) library/acml/4.4.0-gnu 2) mpi/openMPI/1.4.3-gnu /sw/dock/6.5/src tar -zxvf dock.6.5_source.tar.gz /sw/dock/6.5/src/dock6/install make distclean >>>>>>>>>>>> ./configure gnu.acml The requested configuration file was found. The DOCK configuration file has been created. REQUIREMENTS - define this environment variable: ACML_HOME is the root directory of the AMD Core Math Library Edited the config.h : DOCKHOME=/sw/dock/6.5/gnu-acml ACML_HOME= /sw/library/acml/4.4.0/gnu/gfortran64 make all 2>&1 | tee log.configure.dock_gnu-acml.txt Installation of DOCK v6.5 is complete at Thu Aug 11 14:33:07 EST 2011. cd /sw/dock/6.5/src/ mv dock6 /sw/dock/6.5/gnu.acml cd /sw/dock/6.5/gnu.acml/install/test make test
Not installed at the moment
Not Installed at the moment
Modifications had to be made to the gnu.parallel file in order to point to the proper locations for MPI header files, etc.
module list Currently Loaded Modulefiles: 1) mpi/openMPI/1.4.3-gnu ./configure gnu.parallel The requested configuration file was found. The DOCK configuration file has been created. REQUIREMENTS - define these environment variables: MPICH_HOME is the root directory of the MPICH2 MPI implementation vi config.h >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MPICH_HOME= /sw/openMPI/1.4.3-gnu CC= mpicc CXX= mpiCC CFLAGS= -DBUILD_DOCK_WITH_MPI -DMPICH_IGNORE_CXX_SEEK -DMPICH_SKIP_MPICXX -I$(MPICH_HOME)/include -O2 FC= mpif77 FFLAGS= -O2 -fno-automatic -fno-second-underscore LIBS= -lm LINK_WITHOUT_FORTRAN_MAIN= LOAD= mpicxx DOCK_SUFFIX= .mpi AR= ar rv LEX= flex OCFLAGS= -O3 -D_ANSI_SOURCE RANLIB= ranlib DOCKHOME=/sw/dock/6.5/openmpi >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make all .... Installation of DOCK v6.5 is complete at Thu Aug 11 14:57:34 EST 2011. cd /sw/dock/6.5/src mv dock6 /sw/dock/6.5/dock6-openmpi cd /sw/dock/6.5/dock6-openmpi/install/test Edit the "default_targets.h" and make sure the path for dock6 is correct (vi default_targets.h) make test
Sample PBS script
#!/bin/bash # #PBS -r n #PBS -m abe #PBS -M YOUR_MAIL_ADDRESS_HERE # ## Job settings #PBS -N Test_DOCK_openMPI ## Job configuration ##Job resources #PBS -l select=4:mem=4g #PBS -l walltime=2:00:00 CPUS=`cat $PBS_NODEFILE | wc -l` module load dock/6.5.ompi EXE="/sw/dock/6.5/openmpi/bin/dock6.mpi" # Execution directory cd <YOUR_SCRATCH_DIR>/doc/my_dock_jobdir which mpirun echo Running $EXE $MPIRUN $EXE -i dock_no_flex.in -o nci_1of3_100_noflex_auto.out
1. http://wiki.hpc.ufl.edu/index.php/Dock
2. http://www.cac.cornell.edu/Ranger/Environment/compiler_acml.aspx