If you are not a current Griffith staff or student, you may get a "Griffith ID" by getting your Griffith Associate to complete the Griffith visitor.
We encourage new HPC users to open an account with Euramoo cluster on QRIScloud . Please register to use Euramoo cluster. Euramoo cluster and Griffith HPC cluster complement each other, especially during periods of high cluster usage.
Please note that the cluster account will expire after one year and will need to be re-activated if there is a requirement to use it beyond that period
1. If you do not have a Griffith email address, then use your institution's or company's email address.
2. If you need the account for longer than 1 year, it will need to be renewed on June 1st of the year.
3. The standard operating system on the cluster is Redhat 6.5 . If there are any special requests (e.g different OS, special apps,compilers, etc), please include this information in the description field.
4. Please include Research papers with the old HPC cited (v20z or v880) as well. You may include theses with HPC cited, academic courses taught,etc. If not cited, please type "none".
5. For external clients, please select the group of the Griffith University staff member engaging services
6. You can create a visitor access request by doing the following:
a. Submit a Visitor access form to create a Griffith snumber. It is found here:
1. Visitor Forms
2. Online Forms