Sample pbs script
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By default, Abaqus will run itself in the background, but that doesn’t work well with PBS, which will assume the job has completed when Abaqus goes into the background
and end the job before Abaqus completes its job. So, you should always use the interactive option when running Abaqus from a PBS script.
Modify the following example script to reflect the correct parameters for the resources you are using. We recommend that you use /scratch/snumber directory when running abaqus.
#### PBS preamble
#PBS -N abaqus_job
#PBS -m abe
#PBS -M YourName@griffith.edu.au
# Request 2 processors on 1 physical machine
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=2:mem=12gb,walltime=5:00:00
#PBS -q routeq
#### End PBS preamble
# Include the next three lines always
if [ -e "${PBS_NODEFILE}" ] ; then
# Print nodes the job is running on
# Put your job commands after this line
# Create a temporary directory for sample run
mkdir $PBS_O_WORKDIR/sample
cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR/sample
# Get a sample file from the Abaqus test suite
abaqus fetch job=t5-std
# requested 6gb per CPU, which is a little more than
# what we ask for here, which is 6gb per CPU;
# you should always add a little for program overhead.
abaqus job=jobname inp=t5-std cpus=2 memory=5gb interactive
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https://linux.cc.iitk.ac.in/lininfo/Abaqus2017.html License information is: 27005@gc-prd-erslic.corp.griffith.edu.au mount 2017.AM_SIM_Abaqus_Extend.AllOS-1.iso /sw/abaqus/2017/src/CD/1 mount 2017.AM_SIM_Abaqus_Extend.AllOS-2.iso /sw/abaqus/2017/src/CD/2 mount 2017.AM_SIM_Abaqus_Extend.AllOS-3.iso /sw/abaqus/2017/src/CD/3 cd /sw/abaqus/2017/src/CD/1/1/SIMULIA_Documentation/AllOS/1 sh StartGUI.sh cd /sw/abaqus/2017/src/CD/2/2/SIMULIA_AbaqusServices/Linux64/1 sh StartGUI.sh cd /sw/abaqus/2017/src/CD/2/2/SIMULIA_AbaqusServices_CAA_API/Linux64/1 sh StartGUI.sh cd /sw/abaqus/2017/src/CD/2/2/SIMULIA_Abaqus_CAE/Linux64/1 sh StartGUI.sh (Not sure if this finished properly) cd /sw/abaqus/2017/src/CD/2/2/SIMULIA_Tosca/Linux64/1 sh StartGUI.sh cd /sw/abaqus/2017/src/CD/3/3/SIMULIA_Isight/Linux64/1 sh StartGUI.sh (Installation Failed) cd /sw/abaqus/2017/src/CD/3/3/SIMULIA_fe-safe cp SIM_fe-safe.AllOS.1-1.tar /sw/abaqus/2017/src cd /sw/abaqus/2017/src tar -xvf SIM_fe-safe.AllOS.1-1.tar cd /sw/abaqus/2017/src/SIM_fe-safe.AllOS/1/linux/linux cd /sw/abaqus/2017/src/SIM_fe-safe.AllOS/1/linux/linux tar -xvf linuxq_ins.tar /sw/abaqus/2017/src/SIM_fe-safe.AllOS/1/linux/linux/install Old Install notes ================= ./StartGUI.sh Verification is complete. Results can be found at: /sw/Abaqus/V6R2017x/SIMULIA/CAE/2017/InstallData/log/CODE/linux_a64/SIMULIA_Abaqus_CAE.media-2017_08_24-145600+1000/tmp/verification-results.html The Abaqus command for this release is: abq2017 The Abaqus commands directory can be found at: /sw/Abaqus/V6R2017x/SIMULIA/Commands The following media have been installed on your computer: Successful installation: Extended Product Documentation Abaqus Simulation Services Abaqus Simulation Services CAA API Abaqus/CAE Tosca Isight |