- The topic / field or research
- The software (applications, etc) to be run
- The dimensions of computation: how much memory, how many cores, MPI or not, how many jobs, walltimes, etcetera.
If lots of memory is needed, options are the large memory nodes or flashlite.
Please follow the link to "register to use Awoonga"
This is a large memory node. Flashlite physical nodes go to 512GB (non-virtualized)
In general, you have a question or problem regarding FlashLite, please raise a new QRIScloud support request by emailing support@qriscloud.org.au. For further support options, please visithttps://www.qriscloud.org.au/support.
Specialised Nodes: GPU
Azure Cloud Resources
You may lodge a request to obtain resources on azure by filling this form.