module load misc/aria2/1.42 First time users will need to make aria2 config entry as follows: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mkdir ~/.aria2; vi ~/.aria2/aria2.conf Add this entry: ca-certificate=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Command line usage is as follows: aria2c -i download-links.txt cat download-links.txt >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
module load misc/openssl/1.0.2 module load library/expat/2.2.0 module load misc/exttext/ module load misc/extralibs/extralibs module load autoconf/2.69 module load gcc/4.9.3 autoreconf -i 2>&1 | tee autoreconfLog.txt ./configure --prefix=/sw/misc/aria2/1.42 --disable-bittorrent --disable-metalink 2>&1 | tee configureLog.txt make 2>&1 | tee makeLog.txt make install 2>&1 | tee makeInstallLog.txt >>>>>>> configure: summary of build options: version: 1.0.1-DEV shared 0:1:0 Host type: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Install prefix: /sw/misc/aria2/1.42 C compiler: gcc CFlags: -I/sw/library/mpfr/3.1.2/include:-I/sw/misc/gettext/ Library types: Shared=yes, Static=yes CUnit: no Nettle: no Build examples: no configure: summary of build options: Build: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Host: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Install prefix: /sw/misc/aria2/1.42 CC: gcc CXX: g++ CPP: gcc -E CXXFLAGS: -I/sw/misc/gettext/ CFLAGS: -I/sw/library/mpfr/3.1.2/include:-I/sw/misc/gettext/ CPPFLAGS: -I/sw/library/mpfr/3.1.2/include:-I/sw/misc/gettext/ LDFLAGS: -L/sw/library/mpfr/3.1.2/lib:-L/sw/misc/extralibs/lib:-L/sw/misc/gettext/ LIBS: -lmpfr DEFS: -DHAVE_CONFIG_H CXX1XCXXFLAGS: -std=c++11 EXTRACXXFLAGS: -pipe EXTRACFLAGS: -pipe EXTRACPPFLAGS: EXTRALDFLAGS: EXTRALIBS: WARNCXXFLAGS: LibUV: no (CFLAGS='' LIBS='') SQLite3: yes (CFLAGS=' ' LIBS='-lsqlite3 ') SSL Support: yes AppleTLS: no (LDFLAGS='') WinTLS: no (LIBS='') GnuTLS: yes (CFLAGS=' ' LIBS='-lgnutls ') OpenSSL: no (CFLAGS='' LIBS='') CA Bundle: LibNettle: no (CFLAGS='' LIBS='') LibGmp: no (CFLAGS='' LIBS='') LibGcrypt: yes (CFLAGS='' LIBS='-lgcrypt -ldl -lgpg-error') LibXML2: no (CFLAGS='' LIBS='') LibExpat: yes (CFLAGS=' ' LIBS='-L/sw/library/expat/2.2.0/lib -lexpat ') LibCares: no (CFLAGS='' LIBS='') Zlib: no (CFLAGS='' LIBS='') Libssh2: no (CFLAGS='' LIBS='') Tcmalloc: no (CFLAGS='' LIBS='') Jemalloc: no (CFLAGS='' LIBS='') Epoll: yes Bittorrent: no Metalink: no XML-RPC: yes Message Digest: libgcrypt WebSocket: yes (CFLAGS='-I$(top_builddir)/deps/wslay/lib/includes -I$(top_srcdir)/deps/wslay/lib/includes' LIBS='$(top_builddir)/deps/wslay/lib/') Libaria2: no (shared=yes static=no) bash_completion dir: ${datarootdir}/doc/${PACKAGE_TARNAME}/bash_completion Static build: no