The service catalogue of offerings from QRIScloud is found here:


 QRISCloud will need more information of the researcher's computations before approval:

If lots of memory is needed, options are the large memory nodes or flashlite.

Computing Cluster: Bunya

More info here


Please follow the link "Bunya access application form"

Via the use of AAF and the QCIF service authenticator/OTP (OAUTH) provider, QCIF members and partners can now login and use Bunya once they've gone through the appropriate account setup process.


This is a large memory node. Flashlite physical nodes go to 512GB (non-virtualized)


Please follow the link to register to use FlashLite


User documentation for new FlashLite users is currently being assembled, and it will be made available in the future.

Additional instructions for NCMAS CIs and users are here: https://qriscloud.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/207430886

Bulletins on Flashlite and awoonga's current operational status may accessed via the Service Status link on the RCC website: http://rcc.uq.edu.au

The awoonga and Flashlite FAQs can be found here: https://qriscloud.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/204877796 and here: https://www.rcc.uq.edu.au/flashlite-faq, and there is a "known issues" page for all QRIScloud services here: https://qriscloud.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/207152366.

In general, you have a question or problem regarding FlashLite, please raise a new QRIScloud support request by emailing support@qriscloud.org.au. For further support options, please visithttps://www.qriscloud.org.au/support.


Specialised Nodes: GPU


Azure Cloud Resources

You may lodge a request to obtain resources on azure by filling this form