Installing PostgreSQL without Root
Installing PostgreSQL without Root
The only way to install Postgres without root privileges, in home directory, is to compile it from sources. That’s not very difficult.
See below for installation psql --version
mkdir -p /export/home/YOURSNUMBER/sw/PostgresSQL/src cd /export/home/YOURSNUMBER/sw/PostgresSQL/src wget https://github.com/postgres/postgres/archive/master.zip module load gcc/6.3.0 module load library/zlib/1.2.11 module load python/3.6.1 unzip master.zip cd /export/home/YOURSNUMBER/sw/PostgresSQL/src/postgres-master ./configure --prefix=/export/home/YOURSNUMBER/sw/PostgresSQL/ --with-python PYTHON=/sw/python/3.6.1/bin/python 2>&1 | tee ConfigureLog.txt make -j 4 2>&1 | tee MakeLog.txt make install 2>&1 | tee MakeInstallLog.txt
Create database
~/sw/PostgresSQL/bin/initdb -D ~/sw/PostgresSQL/data/ Start database server: ~/sw/PostgresSQL/bin/postgres -D ~/sw/PostgresSQL/data/ OR: ~/sw/PostgresSQL/bin/pg_ctl -D ~/sw/PostgresSQL/data/ -l logfile start ~/sw/PostgresSQL/bin/psql --version ~/sw/PostgresSQL/bin/psql -U YOURSNUMBER postgres postgres=# select version(); postgres=# show data_directory ;