Galaxy PepDock
Galaxy PepDock
module load misc/galaxypepdock/galaxyPepDock
Sample PBS script
Please note that we have asked for 3 cpus in the script below. You need to alter these two lines if you want to change that.
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=3:mem=12gb,walltime=100:00:00
NSLOTS is needed as it will run on all cores if not specified which is not allowed in a shared system managed by pbs.
#!/bin/bash #PBS -m abe #PBS -M YourEmail@griffith.edu.au #PBS -N PepDock #PBS -q dljun@n060 #PBS -W group_list=deeplearning -A deeplearning ### Number of nodes:Number of CPUs:Number of threads per node. #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=3:mem=12gb,walltime=100:00:00 cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR NSLOTS=3 ##module load galaxyPepDock module load misc/galaxypepdock/galaxyPepDock GalaxyPepDock.centos7 -t test -p ACE2.pdb -s RBD-mimic1.fasta
Installed in /sw/misc/GalaxyPepDock