CST Studio Suite
CST Studio Suite
module load misc/cst/2017 Build your simulation on one of the Windows workstations available to you. Copy your .cst file to your home directory on gowonda. Write you job submission file. An example is given at the end of this page
CST Main Controller 2017(On gowonda2): ======================================= mount the iso ./install.sh --record /tmp/cstInstallRecord.txt /sw/cst/cst_studio_suite_2017/update_with_supfile /sw/cst/src/CST_STUDIO_SUITE_2017_Linux_130120172100230620172100_SP4.sup CST Solver Server 2017 (on GPU node n023): ========================================== ./install.sh --record /tmp/cstInstallSolverRecord.txt /sw/cst/cst_studio_suite_2017/update_with_supfile /sw/cst/src/CST_STUDIO_SUITE_2017_Linux_130120172100230620172100_SP4.sup License server: gc-prod-ctslic.itc.griffith.edu.au port 27000 Sysadmin Stuff: =============== Main Controller Configuration folder On Linux the settings are located in configuration files: /etc/xdg/CST AG/CST DC Main Control 2017.conf Start and stop service /sw/cst/cst_studio_suite_2017/LinuxAMD64/CSTDCMainController_AMD64 start /sw/cst/cst_studio_suite_2017/LinuxAMD64/CSTDCMainController_AMD64stop Log File /tmp/CSTMainControllerWork2017/36000/CSTDCMainController.log Solver Configuration folder /etc/xdg/CST AG/CST DC Solver Control 2017.conf Start and stop service /sw/cst/cst_studio_suite_2017/LinuxAMD64/SolverServer_AMD64 start /sw/cst/cst_studio_suite_2017/LinuxAMD64/SolverServer_AMD64 stop Log File /tmp/CSTSolverServerWork2017/38000/CSTDCSolverServer.log >>>>>>>>>>Local Install <<<<<<<<< Controller: gowonda2 ps -ef|grep cst ; kill <pid> /cst/cst_studio_suite_2017/LinuxAMD64/CSTDCMainController_AMD64 Solver - n023 ============ /cst/cst_studio_suite_2017/LinuxAMD64/CSTDCSolverServer_AMD64 stop ps -ef|grep cst (check if cst is still running) kill pid /cst/cst_studio_suite_2017/LinuxAMD64/CSTDCSolverServer_AMD64
Sample PBS script
- Build your simulation on one of the Windows workstations available to you.
- Copy your .cst file to your home directory on gowonda
- Write you job submission file. An example is here:
#!/bin/bash #PBS -N CSTTest #PBS -m abe #PBS -M YourEmail@griffith.edu.au #PBS -q gpu #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=2g:mpiprocs=1:ngpus=2:host=n023 #PBS -l walltime=10:00:00 module load misc/cst/2017 cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR cst_design_environment ~/pbs/cst/brick.cst --r --withgpu=2