The COMSOL Multiphysics engineering simulation software environment facilitates all steps in the modeling process ? defining your geometry, meshing, specifying your physics, solving, and then visualizing your results.
We have version 4.3 installed on gowonda
Usage on gowonda
New Installation module load comsol/61 (uses matlab/2022b) OR module load comsol/56 (uses matlab/2021a) OR: module load comsol/55 (It was installed with matlab/2019b) OLD Installation (old cluster) ======================== module load comsol/4.3 OR module load comsol/4.3-withMatlab2011a
How to Run Simulations in Batch Mode from the Command Line
Ref models:
An example is this: comsol batch -inputfile Model1.mph -outputfile Model1_solved.mph
comsol batch -inputfile
/sw/comsol/55/multiphysics/demo/builder/thermoelectric_leg.mph -outputfile
Sample pbs script to run a comsol job in batch mode
#!/bin/bash #PBS -N ComsolJobTest #PBS -m abe #PBS -M #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=32gb,walltime=10:50:00 #PBS -q workq module load comsol/61 echo "Starting job: " cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR ##comsol batch -inputfile Model1.mph -outputfile Model1_solved.mph comsol batch -inputfile /sw/comsol/55/multiphysics/demo/builder/thermoelectric_leg.mph -outputfile thermoelectric_leg_solved.mph
Use instructions in this manual to install comsol on /sw/comsol/4.3.
Matlab 2011a was used for livelink for matlab. If this needs to be a different version of matlab, check:
livelink for matlab Solution Number: 1113 Title: COMSOL does not start with the latest MATLAB version Platform: Applies to: LiveLink™ for MATLAB® Versions: 4.2 Created: April 14, 2011 Last Modified: May 27, 2011 Categories: Keywords: Problem Description I have installed a new MATLAB version, but running COMSOL with MATLAB keeps opening the older version of MATLAB. Solution You need to manually update the MATLAB root directory path: Use a text editor to edit the files comsolserver.ini and comsol.ini located in the COMSOL installation directory: installdir\COMSOL42\bin\archdir where installdir is your local COMSOL root directory and archdir is your architecture directory, for example win64. In both files, update the MATLAB root directory path, in the line starting -Dcs.mlroot= Please verify the COMSOL Livelink for MATLAB system requirements to ensure the compatibility between the programs.
Sample PBS script
A sample comsol file model_in.mph is here
there are lot of examples in the directory : /sw/comsol/4.3/models
e.g: /sw/comsol/4.3/models/COMSOL_Multiphysics/Fluid_Dynamics/falling_sand.mph
Interactive usage
module load comsol/4.3-withMatlab2011a comsol
Serial batch run
cd ~/data
cp /sw/comsol/4.3/models/COMSOL_Multiphysics/Quantum_Mechanics/conical_quantum_dot.mph .
module load comsol/4.3 comsol batch -inputfile ~/data/conical_quantum_dot.mph -outputfile conical_quantum_dot_out.mph
##model_in.mph is the name of your model. Change it to your model name. If output model name is not specified, results will be written to the model specified in input switch
Sample PBS script
#PBS -m abe #PBS -M #PBS -N TestRun_Comsol #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=7g,walltime=24:00:00 cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR module load comsol/61 comsol batch -inputfile ~/data/conical_quantum_dot.mph -outputfile conical_quantum_dot_out.mph
Batch run- parallel
The parallel sections of Comsol are based on the parallel shared memory model. The solvers, assembly and meshing in Comol Multiphysics and the linear algebra functions in Comsol script benefit from parallelism
##!/bin/bash #PBS -m abe #PBS -M #PBS -N ParallelComsol #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=4:mpiprocs=4:mem=7g,walltime=24:00:00 ## The number of chunks is given by the select =<NUM > above CHUNKS=1 ###$PBS_NODEFILE is a node-list file created with select and mpiprocs options by PBS ###### The number of threads available is ncpus * CHUNKS (=NPROCS) NPROCS=4 cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR module load comsol/61 export COMSOL_NUM_THREADS=$NPROCS comsol batch -np $NPROCS -inputfile ~/data/conical_quantum_dot.mph -outputfile conical_quantum_dot_out.mph
Comsol in Matlab
As we use the command "comsol server" , it needs to record your username. So before you could run any batch jobs, you will have to do this once. From gowonda console, type
module load comsol/4.3-withMatlab2011a comsol server It will ask for the following info: Username: s123456 <======== Use your login ID Password: Confirm password: COMSOL 4.3 (Build: 151) started listening on port 2036 Use the console command 'close' to exit the application
Please type close to exit the above.
Once you have done this, you do not need to do this ever again.
use the following example to run comsol and matlab:
There are a lot .mph and matlab models located here: /sw/comsol/4.3/models/LiveLink_for_MATLAB/Tutorial_Models
Sample pbs script pbs.003
#!/bin/bash #PBS -m abe #PBS -M #PBS -q mpi #PBS -N TestRun_Comsol #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=2:mpiprocs=2:mem=7g,walltime=4:00:00 ## The number of nodes is given by the select =<NUM > above CHUNKS=1 ###### The number of threads available is ncpus * CHUNKS (=NPROCS) NPROCS=2 module load comsol/61 cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR comsol server < /dev/null > comsolserver1.log & matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r "addpath /sw/comsol/comsol61/multiphysics/mli/, mphstart, pseudoperiodicity_llmatlab, exit"
In the above, make sure you the file named pseudoperiodicity_llmatlab.m in the directory.
(cp /sw/comsol/4.3/models/LiveLink_for_MATLAB/Tutorial_Models/pseudoperiodicity_llmatlab.m .)
If there is a need to run shared memory MP jobs, use the following script to use 8 threads.
#!/bin/bash #PBS -m abe #PBS -M #PBS -q workq #PBS -N TestRunComsol #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=8:mem=7g,walltime=4:00:00 ## The number of nodes is given by the select =<NUM > above NODES=1 ###### The number of threads available is ncpus * NODES (=NPROCS) NPROCS=8 module load comsol/61 cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR comsol server -np $NPROCS < /dev/null > comsolserver1.log & matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r "addpath /sw/comsol/4.3/mli/, mphstart, myfile, exit"
Here is a sample myfile.m file:
cat myfile.m
% Example MATLAB script demonstrating batch operation of a script driven % COMSOL Multiphysics model. % Setup mphstart import com.comsol.model.* import com.comsol.model.util.* model = ModelUtil.create('Model'); % Solve the Poisson equation on the unit circle union with unit % rectangle geom1 = model.geom.create('geom1', 2); geom1.feature.create('c1', 'Circle'); geom1.feature.create('r1', 'Rectangle');; g = model.physics.create('g', 'GeneralFormPDE', 'geom1'); cons1 = g.feature.create('cons1', 'Constraint', 1); cons1.selection.set([3 4 5 6 7]); cons1.set('R','-u'); model.mesh.create('mesh1', 'geom1'); std1 ='std1'); std1.feature.create('stat', 'Stationary');; % Save the result in a binary file pois.mph.'pois'); % Extract data from the model and save these in a file u = mphinterp(model,'u','coord', [-0.5 0 0.5;0 0 0]); save udata u % Important to have matlab exit at the end exit
3. Sample Model from: