To use gaussian on the cluster, one needs to be in the unix group "gaussian". Please contact the HPC admin to request this. module load gaussian/g16 OR module load gaussian/g16legacy OR module load gaussian/g03
Gaussian 03
mount -o loop gaussian-3.iso /data1/ISO/mnt3 groupadd -g 20000 gaussian csh setenv mntpnt "/data1/ISO/mnt3" setenv g03root "/sw/Gaussian/" cd $g03root cat $mntpnt/tar/*.taz | zcat | tar xvf - mv g03 g03.D01 chgrp -R gaussian g03.D01/ ln -s g03.D01 g03 cd g03 ./bsd/install Add the user in /etc/group gaussian:x:20000:username
Module load instructions
To use g03, simply do this: module load gaussian/g03 If using g09, do this: module load gaussian/g09 If you want to swap between g03 and g09, do this: module swap gaussian/g03 gaussian/g09
Sample PBS script
Gaussian can be executed by typing
g03 < input > output &
g03 < input
Users are reminded to keep an eye on interactive jobs and that interactive jobs shouldn't be left to run more than 15 minutes. Jobs longer than this should be considered Production Jobs and run through PBS batching system.
cat pbs.00
#!/bin/bash #PBS -N gaussian1 #PBS -m abe #PBS -M #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mpiprocs=1:mem=12gb,walltime=100:00:00 module load gaussian/g03 source $g03root/bsd/g03.profile source $HOME/.bashrc echo "Starting job: " cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR g03 <<END > $PBS_O_WORKDIR/Myoutput.out <gaussian stuff here>
Example pbs script
#!/bin/bash #PBS -N gaussian2 #PBS -m abe #PBS -M #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=2:mpiprocs=2:mem=3gb,walltime=100:00:00 module load gaussian/g03 source $g03root/bsd/g03.profile source $HOME/.bashrc echo "Starting job: " cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR g03 <<... > $PBS_O_WORKDIR/ %mem=3GB %NProcshared=2 %nproc=2 #P rb3lyp/6-31G* FREQ iop1=timestamp Alpha-pinene 0,1 C,-0.1273692137,-0.6462988969,-0.7524944873 C,-1.4477041451,-0.2794851567,-0.0867213008 C,-2.5860464422,-1.2583783257,-0.1391304784 C,1.0856948669,-0.3322068693,0.2126188526 C,0.3211006941,0.5905762449,-1.5895340172 C,0.8727653221,1.1569894555,-0.2509716145 C,-0.2877726915,1.8205854739,0.5169186751 C,-1.509519224,0.9249157767,0.4994348271 C,0.9712833239,-0.6726944381,1.7005672426 C,2.4084796519,-0.9186471116,-0.3075889933 H,1.7573199543,1.8050219581,-0.2835783694 H,-0.4737704686,1.1570136799,-2.0846350548 H,1.105915281,0.3652327996,-2.3144053682 H,-0.1543420805,-1.63041802,-1.2341302178 H,1.0392245646,-1.7580982696,1.8515590322 H,1.7984173899,-0.2160067783,2.2599213205 H,0.0329682418,-0.3341838975,2.1448183521 H,2.426925411,-2.0066150881,-0.1652518889 H,3.256078334,-0.5002639995,0.2504468316 H,2.5858549208,-0.7228031753,-1.3687192518 H,-3.4806519207,-0.867446541,0.3570936649 H,-2.8519928168,-1.5058157478,-1.1766371331 H,-2.315284857,-2.2072614785,0.345418714 H,-2.4208684094,1.2742596113,0.9831044354 H,-0.5214551923,2.7956708978,0.0624986118 H,0.0101887933,2.0395771319,1.5539040849 ...
submit pbs job
qsub <pbs_script_file> e.g. qsub pbs.00
diff g03.profile
Made changes to the g03.profile file
diff /sw/Gaussian/g03.D01/bsd/g03.profile /sw/Gaussian/g03.D01/bsd/g03.profile.old 15,17c15,17 < GAUSS_EXEDIR="$gr/bsd:$gr/private:$gr/" < GAUSS_LEXEDIR="$gr/linda-exe" < GAUSS_ARCHDIR="$gr/arch" --- > GAUSS_EXEDIR="$gr/g03/bsd:$gr/g03/private:$gr/g03" > GAUSS_LEXEDIR="$gr/g03/linda-exe" > GAUSS_ARCHDIR="$gr/g03/arch" 21c21 < G03BASIS="$gr/basis" --- > G03BASIS="$gr/g03/basis"
module file
Readme file that came with the CD
UNIX Binary Gaussian 03 Revision D.01 Installation instructions 1. Check that you have the correct versions of the OS, and libraries for your machine, as listed in the file platform_d01.htm file on G03 CD. Release notes can be found in release_d01.htm. 2. Select a group which will own the Gaussian files. Users who will run Gaussian should either already be in this group, or should have this added to their list of groups. Consult your system administrator if you need help with this process. 3. Mount the CD. Information about how to do this for various types of computers is given on the following page. 4. Change to the C shell, and set the g03root and mntpnt environment variables: $ /bin/csh % setenv mntpnt "/mnt/cdrom" # Set to wherever cd is mounted. % setenv g03root "<dir>" # Set to install location for G03. % cd $g03root 5. Read the CD, set group ownership, and run the build script: % cat $mntpnt/tar/*.taz | zcat | tar xvf - % chgrp -R <grp> g03 # <grp> is the group from step 1. % cd g03 % ./bsd/install 6. You are now ready to run. Users will want to add the following to their .login file: setenv g03root "<dir>" setenv GAUSS_SCRDIR "<scr-dir>" source $g03root/g03/bsd/g03.login # sets up G03 run environment. The <dir> in the first command is the location of the g03 directory. For example, if the path to this directory is /usr/local/g03, then set g03root to /usr/local. The <scr-dir> in the second command is a directory to be used by default for Gaussian 03 scratch files. There should be plenty of disk space available at this location. Note that the angle brackets are NOT included. Bourne-type shell users would use these commands instead of the ones above: g03root="<dir>" GAUSS_SCRDIR="<scr-dir>" export g03root GAUSS_SCRDIR . $g03root/g03/bsd/g03.profile 7. If you are using Linda for network/cluster parallel processing, then edit the .cshrc file on each node that will be used as a linda worker. It should contain the following lines: if (! ($?LD_LIBRARY_PATH)) then setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH XXX endif where XXX should be replaced by the g03 directory. $g03root is not set at this point, so the complete path (e.g. /home/software/g03) should be used. G03 Binary Install--Page 2 of 2 Mounting CDs This page reviews the methods for mounting CDs on various UNIX systems. Mac OS X: Simply insert the CD into the drive, and it will appear on the desktop. Double click it to open it. LINUX: Most Linux machines allow ordinary users to mount CDs into /mnt/cdrom, using a command like this one: $ mount /mnt/cdrom # Prompt is % if you use tcsh HP/COMPAQ TRU64: The mount command varies with the hardware configuration but is usually something like: # /sbin/mount -rt cdfs /dev/disk/cdrom0c /mnt The command must be run by root. You can mount the CD from your ordinary user account using the following command: $ su -c /sbin/mount -rt cdfs /dev/disk/cdrom0c /mnt You can also use the sudo command if it is in use at your site. If you do not have root access, ask the system administrator to mount the CD for you. IBM AIX: The mount command is typically of the form: # /sbin/mount -v cdrfs -o ro /dev/cd0 /mnt The command must be run by root. You can mount the CD from your ordinary user account using the following command: $ su -c /sbin/mount -v cdrfs -o ro /dev/cd0 /mnt You can also use the sudo command if it is in use at your site. If you do not have root access, ask the system administrator to mount the CD for you.
Installation issues
There was an issue with some directories being world readable. Gaussian 03 would core dump in this scenario. The permissions were changed.
cd /sw/Gaussian/g03.D01 chmod 750 bsd basis tests ls -la | grep '.........x' ls -la | grep '.........x'|awk '{print $9}' | xargs chmod 750 cd /sw/Gaussian/g03.D01/basis ls -la | grep '.........x'|awk '{print $9}' | xargs chmod 750 cd /sw/Gaussian/g03.D01/bsd ls -la | grep '.........x'|awk '{print $9}' | xargs chmod 750 cd /sw/Gaussian/g03.D01/tests ls -la | grep '.........x'|awk '{print $9}' | xargs chmod 750
Gaussian 09
Module load Usage
module load gaussian/g09
PBS script for use with g09
#!/bin/bash #PBS -N gaussian2 #PBS -m abe #PBS -M #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=2:mpiprocs=2:mem=3gb,walltime=100:00:00 module load gaussian/g09 source $g09root/bsd/g09.profile source $HOME/.bashrc echo "Starting job: " cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR g09 .......
Sample g09 PBS Script
#!/bin/bash #PBS -N gaussianG09 #PBS -m abe #PBS -M #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=2:mpiprocs=2:mem=3gb,walltime=100:00:00 module load gaussian/g09 source $g09root/bsd/g09.profile source $HOME/.bashrc echo "Starting job: " cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR g09 <<END > $PBS_O_WORKDIR/ %mem=3GB %NProcshared=2 %nproc=2 #P rb3lyp/6-31G* FREQ iop1=timestamp Alpha-pinene 0,1 C,-0.1273692137,-0.6462988969,-0.7524944873 C,-1.4477041451,-0.2794851567,-0.0867213008 C,-2.5860464422,-1.2583783257,-0.1391304784 C,1.0856948669,-0.3322068693,0.2126188526 C,0.3211006941,0.5905762449,-1.5895340172 C,0.8727653221,1.1569894555,-0.2509716145 C,-0.2877726915,1.8205854739,0.5169186751 C,-1.509519224,0.9249157767,0.4994348271 C,0.9712833239,-0.6726944381,1.7005672426 C,2.4084796519,-0.9186471116,-0.3075889933 H,1.7573199543,1.8050219581,-0.2835783694 H,-0.4737704686,1.1570136799,-2.0846350548 H,1.105915281,0.3652327996,-2.3144053682 H,-0.1543420805,-1.63041802,-1.2341302178 H,1.0392245646,-1.7580982696,1.8515590322 H,1.7984173899,-0.2160067783,2.2599213205 H,0.0329682418,-0.3341838975,2.1448183521 H,2.426925411,-2.0066150881,-0.1652518889 H,3.256078334,-0.5002639995,0.2504468316 H,2.5858549208,-0.7228031753,-1.3687192518 H,-3.4806519207,-0.867446541,0.3570936649 H,-2.8519928168,-1.5058157478,-1.1766371331 H,-2.315284857,-2.2072614785,0.345418714 H,-2.4208684094,1.2742596113,0.9831044354 H,-0.5214551923,2.7956708978,0.0624986118 H,0.0101887933,2.0395771319,1.5539040849 END
Sample PBS file for g16
#!/bin/bash #PBS -N G16Test #PBS -m abe #PBS -M #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mpiprocs=2:mem=8gb,walltime=100:00:00 #PBS -l walltime=10:00:00 ###module load gaussian/g09 module load gaussian/g16 source $g16root/bsd/g16.profile source $HOME/.bashrc echo "Starting job: " cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR g16 <> $PBS_O_WORKDIR/PA-opt_freq-conf-1.out
Another Sample PBS script for G16
#!/bin/bash #PBS -N 2CH3P04 #PBS -m abe #PBS -M #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=12:mpiprocs=2:mem=12gb,walltime=1000:00:00 module load gaussian/g16 source $g16root/bsd/g16.profile source $HOME/.bashrc echo "Starting job: " cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR g16 <<END > $PBS_O_WORKDIR/ %NProcShared=12 %chk=2CH3PO4_M06L_dz_O+_ofs.chk %mem=512MW #P M06L/gen opt scrf freq=noraman gfinput Pt triene with Ncp7 core -1 1 15 0.000019000 0.628091000 -0.000004000 8 0.783576000 1.334578000 1.054520000 8 -0.783436000 1.334707000 -1.054510000 8 0.968875000 -0.418486000 -0.813248000 8 -0.969029000 -0.418328000 0.813247000 6 1.823641000 -1.261367000 -0.059082000 1 1.248954000 -1.984550000 0.532798000 1 2.462299000 -1.806452000 -0.755387000 1 2.451195000 -0.681463000 0.626300000 6 -1.823669000 -1.261333000 0.059077000 1 -2.451063000 -0.681556000 -0.626564000 1 -1.248895000 -1.984678000 -0.532517000 1 -2.462494000 -1.806241000 0.755369000 C H P 0 6-31g(2d,2p) **** O 0 6-31+g(2d) **** END
Using Gaussian with GPU
This is possible on the gpu node n060 and with version g16.avx.c01.
Usage is as follows:
Sample PBS script
cat pbs.01
#!/bin/bash #PBS -N GaussianGPUTest #PBS -m abe #PBS -M #PBS -q iworkq #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=4:mpiprocs=4:ngpus=1:mem=12gb,walltime=5:00:00 #PBS -W group_list=deeplearning -A deeplearning module load gaussian/g16 source $g16root/bsd/g16.profile source $HOME/.bashrc echo "Starting job: " cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR set echo set module load gaussian/g16 g16 < $PBS_O_WORKDIR/methane.input
Sample input
cat methane.input
%nproc=4 %mem=8gb %CPU=0-3 %GPUCPU=0=0 %chk=methane.chk # hf/6-31g Title Card Required 0 1 C 0.80597015 -1.20895521 0.00000000 H 1.16262458 -2.21776521 0.00000000 H 1.16264299 -0.70455702 0.87365150 H 1.16264299 -0.70455702 -0.87365150 H -0.26402985 -1.20894202 0.00000000 END
The above example will utilise CPUs indexed from 0 to 3rd, but 0th CPU is associated with 0th GPU.
Another pbs file
#PBS -m abe #PBS -q legacyq #PBS -M #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mpiprocs=1:mem=90GB,walltime=360:00:00 module load gaussian/g16 source $g16root/bsd/g16.profile source $HOME/.bashrc echo "Starting job: " cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR g16 <<END > $PBS_O_WORKDIR/ %NProcShared=1 %mem=40GB %chk=FC-AH-E-32.chk #P Freq=(FC, ReadFC, ReadFCHT) Geom=Allcheck Transition=emission Transprop=(FC) Method=AdiabaticHessian Prescreening=(MaxC1=5000,MaxC2=500) TI Advanced=(ForceFCCalc,ForcePrtSpectrum) Print=(matrix=JK,TDAutoCorr=0,AssignThresh=0.000000001,HuangRhys,Spectra=All) cyS1-32.chk END
line 9: /sw/Gaussian/g03.D01/bsd/g03.profile: Permission denied
If you get this error "line 9: /sw/Gaussian/g03.D01/bsd/g03.profile: Permission denied", Or: "g03: command not found", please ask the system administrator to add you into the gaussian group (/etc/group) on the cluster.