


BigDFT is a DFT massively parallel electronic structure code using a wavelet basis set. It was developed in an European program. Wavelets form a real space basis set distributed on an adaptive mesh (two levels of resolution in our implementation). GTH or HGH pseudopotentials are used to remove the core electrons. Thanks to our Poisson solver based on a Green function formalism, periodic systems, surfaces and isolated systems can be simulated with the proper boundary conditions.

Installation Instruction: http://inac.cea.fr/L_Sim/BigDFT/install.html


module load  BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-cuda-openmpi

Other versions are also available:

module load  BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu
module load  BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-cuda  
module load  BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-cuda-openmpi  
module load  BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-openmpi

module display BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-cuda-openmpi

 module display BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-cuda-openmpi

module-whatis    Name: BigDFT
module-whatis    Version: 1.6.0
module-whatis    Category: NAMD,Cuda
module-whatis    Examples: <BigDFT_base>/examples/fortran/add_array AND <BigDFT_base>/examples/c
module-whatis    url: http://inac.cea.fr/L_Sim/BigDFT/install.html
module-whatis    Description: BigDFT is a DFT massively parallel electronic structure code using a wavelet basis set
module           load cuda/4.0
module           load opencl/cudasdk-4
module           load opencl/opencl-1.1
module           load mpi/openMPI/1.4.3-gnu
module           load NetCDF/4.1.3-gnu
module           load ATLAS/3.9.39
conflict         intel-cmkl-11/11.1.072
conflict         intel-mpi/
conflict         intel-tools-11/11.1.072
conflict         intel-cc-11/11.1.072
conflict         intel-fc-11/11.1.072
prepend-path     PATH /sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-cuda-openmpi/bin
prepend-path     LD_LIBRARY_PATH /sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-cuda-openmpi/lib
prepend-path     LD_LIBRARY_PATH /sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-cuda-openmpi/lib/pkgconfig
prepend-path     INCLUDE /sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-cuda-openmpi/include
prepend-path     LDFLAGS -L/sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-cuda-openmpi/lib
prepend-path     LDFLAGS -L/sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-cuda-openmpi/lib/pkgconfig
prepend-path     CFLAGS -I/sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-cuda-openmpi/include
prepend-path     CPPFLAGS -I/sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-cuda-openmpi/include
prepend-path     CXXFLAGS -I/sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-cuda-openmpi/include
prepend-path     FCFLAGS -I/sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-cuda-openmpi/include
prepend-path     FFLAGS -I/sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-cuda-openmpi/include

pbs script templates

Sample pbs script

#!/bin/bash -l
#PBS -m abe
### Mail to user
#PBS -M <YourEmail>@griffith.edu.au
### Job name
#PBS -N  N2_test_bigDFT
#PBS -q gpu
#PBS -l walltime=12:00:00
### Number of nodes:Number of CPUs:Number of threads per node
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=4:mem=4gb:mpiprocs=4:ngpus=1
###$PBS_NODEFILE is a node-list file created with select and mpiprocs options by PBS
###### The number of MPI processes available is mpiprocs * nodes (=NPROCS)
#PBS -j oe
# This job's working directory
echo Working directory is $PBS_O_WORKDIR
source $HOME/.bashrc
module load BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-cuda-openmpi
#module list
echo "Starting job"
echo Running on host `hostname`
echo Time is `date`
echo Directory is `pwd`
#echo This jobs runs on the following processors:
#echo `cat $PBS_NODEFILE`
/sw/openMPI/1.4.3-gnu/bin/mpirun -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE -np $NPROCS  env PATH=$PATH  env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH bigdft
echo "Done with job"

Sample input data

cat posinp.xyz

2 angstroem
N 0. 0. 0.
N 0. 0. 1.11499

Interested in intereactive batching..Try this:

 qsub -I -l select=1:ncpus=4:mem=4gb:mpiprocs=4:ngpus=1 -l walltime=01:00:00 -q gpu 

special compile notes

Running configure caused a lot of issues. however, after running local versions of blas-3.2.1-4.el6.x86_64.rpm  blas-devel-3.2.1-4.el6.x86_64.rpm  lapack-3.2.1-4.el6.x86_64.rpm  lapack-devel-3.2.1-4.el6.x86_64.rpm packages, the configure went well.

lapack-3.2.1-4.el6.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                                                      100% 4422KB   4.3MB/s   00:00
blas-devel-3.2.1-4.el6.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                                                  100%  133KB 133.0KB/s   00:00
blas-3.2.1-4.el6.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                                                        100%  321KB 321.5KB/s   00:00
lapack-devel-3.2.1-4.el6.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                                                100% 4571KB   4.5MB/s   00:00
Preparing...                ##################################################
blas                        ##################################################
blas-devel                  ##################################################
lapack                      ##################################################
lapack-devel                ##################################################


gnu versions

gnu version with Cuda

cd /sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-intel/src/bigdft-1.6.0-gnu

module load cuda/4.0
module load opencl/cudasdk-4
module load opencl/opencl-1.1
module load mpi/openMPI/1.4.3-gnu
module load NetCDF/4.1.3-gnu
module load ATLAS/3.9.39

 ./configure  --enable-cuda-gpu --with-cuda-path=/usr/local/cuda --prefix=/sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-cuda CXX=c++ CC=gcc FC=gfortran  F77=gfortran --with-netcdf-path=/sw/netCDF/4.1.3-gnu  --disable-mpi    2>&1  |tee configure.gnu-cuda.txt

C   compiler:              gcc
C   flags:
CXX compiler:              c++
CXX flags:                 -g -O2
Linker flags:
Linked libraries:

NVidia Cuda Compiler:      /usr/local/cuda/bin//nvcc
NVCC flags:                -g -O3 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -arch sm_13
NVCC C Compiler:

Cuda emulation:            no
Trace functions:           no
Verbose:                   no

Installation paths:
Source code location:      .
Prefix:                    /sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-cuda
Exec prefix:               ${prefix}
Binaries:                  ${exec_prefix}/bin
Static libraries:          ${exec_prefix}/lib

BigDFT configure summary:

  Fortran90 compiler:        gfortran
  Fortran90 compiler name:
  Fortran90 flags:           -g -O2
  Fortran77 compiler:        gfortran
  Fortran77 flags:           -g -O2
  Linker flags:               -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 -L$(top_builddir)/libxc-1.1.0/src/.libs -L$(top_builddir)/libABINIT/src
  Linked libraries:          $(top_builddir)/src/libbigdft.a -labinit $(top_builddir)/src/libdft_common.a -lxc $(top_builddir)/S_GPU/src/.libs/libs_gpu.a -lstdc++ -lcudart -lcublas   -llapack -lblas -larchive     -lrt

  Library ABINIT:            yes
  Library BigDFT:            yes
  Main binaries (cluster...):yes
  Minima hopping binary:     no
  atom and pseudo binaries:  no
  User documentation:        yes
  Devel. documentation:      yes / no

  Debug version:             no
  With MPI:                  no
   | include dir.:           -I$(top_builddir)/src/modules
   | linker flags:
   | linked libraries:
   | MPI_INIT_THREAD avail:
   | MPI2 support:
  With optimised conv.:      yes
  With Cuda GPU conv.:       yes
   | NVidia Cuda Compiler:   /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc
   | Cuda flags:
  With OpenCL support:       no
  With dgemmsy support:      no
  With libXC:                yes
   | internal built:         yes
   | include dir.:           -I$(top_builddir)/libxc-1.1.0/src
  With libABINIT:            yes
   | internal built:         yes
   | include dir.:           -I$(top_builddir)/libABINIT/src
  With libS_GPU:             yes
   | internal built:         yes
   | include dir.:           -DCUBLAS_USE_THUNKING -I$(top_srcdir)/S_GPU/src
  With ETSF_IO:              no
   | include dir.:
  With libarchive:           yes
   | C flags:
   | linked libraries:       -larchive

Installation paths:
  Source code location:      .
  Prefix:                    /sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-cuda
  Exec prefix:               ${prefix}
  Binaries:                  ${exec_prefix}/bin
  Static libraries:          ${exec_prefix}/lib
  Fortran modules:           ${prefix}/include/
  Documentation:             ${datarootdir}/doc/${PACKAGE_TARNAME}

make 2>&1  |tee make.gnu-cuda.txt
make check 2>&1 make-check.gnu-cuda.txt
make install 2>&1  |tee make-install.gnu-cuda.txt

gnu version with Cuda and openMPI

Make sure these packages are installed locally:

cd /sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-intel/src/bigdft-1.6.0-gnu-cuda-openmpi

module load cuda/4.0
module load opencl/cudasdk-4
module load opencl/opencl-1.1
module load mpi/openMPI/1.4.3-gnu
module load NetCDF/4.1.3-gnu
module load ATLAS/3.9.39

./configure  --enable-cuda-gpu --with-cuda-path=/usr/local/cuda --prefix=/sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-cuda-openmpi CXX=mpic++ CC=mpicc FC=mpif90  F77=mpif77 --with-netcdf-path=/sw/netCDF/4.1.3-gnu   2>&1  |tee configure.gnu-cuda-openmpi.txt

(Not needed: --with-mpi-include=-I/sw/openMPI/1.4.3-gnu/include)

C   compiler:              mpicc
C   flags:
CXX compiler:              mpic++
CXX flags:                 -g -O2
Linker flags:              -L/sw/ATLAS/3.9.39/lib:-L/usr/local/cuda/lib64
Linked libraries:

NVidia Cuda Compiler:      /usr/local/cuda/bin//nvcc
NVCC flags:                -g -O3 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -arch sm_13
NVCC C Compiler:

Cuda emulation:            no
Trace functions:           no
Verbose:                   no

Installation paths:
Source code location:      .
Prefix:                    /sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-cuda-openmpi
Exec prefix:               ${prefix}
Binaries:                  ${exec_prefix}/bin
Static libraries:          ${exec_prefix}/lib

BigDFT configure summary:

  Fortran90 compiler:        mpif90
  Fortran90 compiler name:
  Fortran90 flags:           -g -O2
  Fortran77 compiler:        mpif77
  Fortran77 flags:           -g -O2
  Linker flags:              -L/sw/ATLAS/3.9.39/lib:-L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 -L$(top_builddir)/libxc-1.1.0/src/.libs -L$(top_builddir)/libABINIT/src
  Linked libraries:          $(top_builddir)/src/libbigdft.a -labinit $(top_builddir)/src/libdft_common.a -lxc $(top_builddir)/S_GPU/src/.libs/libs_gpu.a -lstdc++ -lcudart -lcublas   -llapack -lblas -larchive     -lrt

  Library ABINIT:            yes
  Library BigDFT:            yes
  Main binaries (cluster...):yes
  Minima hopping binary:     no
  atom and pseudo binaries:  no
  User documentation:        yes
  Devel. documentation:      yes / no

  Debug version:             no
  With MPI:                  yes
   | include dir.:
   | linker flags:
   | linked libraries:
   | MPI_INIT_THREAD avail:  yes
   | MPI2 support:           yes
  With optimised conv.:      yes
  With Cuda GPU conv.:       yes
   | NVidia Cuda Compiler:   /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc
   | Cuda flags:
  With OpenCL support:       no
  With dgemmsy support:      no
  With libXC:                yes
   | internal built:         yes
   | include dir.:           -I$(top_builddir)/libxc-1.1.0/src
  With libABINIT:            yes
   | internal built:         yes
   | include dir.:           -I$(top_builddir)/libABINIT/src
  With libS_GPU:             yes
   | internal built:         yes
   | include dir.:           -DCUBLAS_USE_THUNKING -I$(top_srcdir)/S_GPU/src
  With ETSF_IO:              no
   | include dir.:
  With libarchive:           yes
   | C flags:
   | linked libraries:       -larchive

Installation paths:
  Source code location:      .
  Prefix:                    /sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-cuda-openmpi
  Exec prefix:               ${prefix}
  Binaries:                  ${exec_prefix}/bin
  Static libraries:          ${exec_prefix}/lib
  Fortran modules:           ${prefix}/include/
  Documentation:             ${datarootdir}/doc/${PACKAGE_TARNAME}

make 2>&1  |tee make.gnu-cuda-openmpi.txt
make check 2>&1 make-check.gnu-cuda-openmpi.txt
make install 2>&1  |tee make-install.gnu-cuda-openmpi.txt

gnu version with with openMPI

Make sure these packages are installed locally:

cd /sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-intel/src/bigdft-1.6.0-gnu-openmpi

module load mpi/openMPI/1.4.3-gnu
module load NetCDF/4.1.3-gnu
module load ATLAS/3.9.39
module load cuda/4.0
module load opencl/cudasdk-4
module load opencl/opencl-1.1

./configure   --prefix=/sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-openmpi CXX=mpic++ CC=mpicc FC=mpif90  F77=mpif77 --with-netcdf-path=/sw/netCDF/4.1.3-gnu-openmpi   2>&1  |tee configure.gnu-openmpi.txt

(Not needed: --with-mpi-include=-I/sw/openMPI/1.4.3-gnu/include)
C   compiler:              mpicc
C   flags:
CXX compiler:              mpic++
CXX flags:                 -g -O2
Linker flags:              -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64:-L/sw/ATLAS/3.9.39/lib
Linked libraries:

NVidia Cuda Compiler:      /usr/local/cuda/bin//nvcc
NVCC flags:                -g -O3 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -arch sm_13
NVCC C Compiler:

Cuda emulation:            no
Trace functions:           no
Verbose:                   no

Installation paths:
Source code location:      .
Prefix:                    /sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-openmpi
Exec prefix:               ${prefix}
Binaries:                  ${exec_prefix}/bin
Static libraries:          ${exec_prefix}/lib

BigDFT configure summary:

  Fortran90 compiler:        mpif90
  Fortran90 compiler name:
  Fortran90 flags:           -g -O2
  Fortran77 compiler:        mpif77
  Fortran77 flags:           -g -O2
  Linker flags:              -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64:-L/sw/ATLAS/3.9.39/lib -L$(top_builddir)/libxc-1.1.0/src/.libs -L$(top_builddir)/libABINIT/src
  Linked libraries:          $(top_builddir)/src/libbigdft.a -labinit $(top_builddir)/src/libdft_common.a -lxc     -llapack -lblas -larchive     -lrt

  Library ABINIT:            yes
  Library BigDFT:            yes
  Main binaries (cluster...):yes
  Minima hopping binary:     no
  atom and pseudo binaries:  no
  User documentation:        yes
  Devel. documentation:      yes / no

  Debug version:             no
  With MPI:                  yes
   | include dir.:
   | linker flags:
   | linked libraries:
   | MPI_INIT_THREAD avail:  yes
   | MPI2 support:           yes
  With optimised conv.:      yes
  With Cuda GPU conv.:       no
   | NVidia Cuda Compiler:
   | Cuda flags:
  With OpenCL support:       no
  With dgemmsy support:      no
  With libXC:                yes
   | internal built:         yes
   | include dir.:           -I$(top_builddir)/libxc-1.1.0/src
  With libABINIT:            yes
   | internal built:         yes
   | include dir.:           -I$(top_builddir)/libABINIT/src
  With libS_GPU:             no
   | internal built:         no
   | include dir.:
  With ETSF_IO:              no
   | include dir.:
  With libarchive:           yes
   | C flags:
   | linked libraries:       -larchive

Installation paths:
  Source code location:      .
  Prefix:                    /sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-openmpi
  Exec prefix:               ${prefix}
  Binaries:                  ${exec_prefix}/bin
  Static libraries:          ${exec_prefix}/lib
  Fortran modules:           ${prefix}/include/
  Documentation:             ${datarootdir}/doc/${PACKAGE_TARNAME}


make 2>&1  |tee make.gnu-openmpi.txt
make check 2>&1 make-check.gnu-openmpi.txt
make install 2>&1  |tee make-install.gnu-openmpi.txt


gcc version

cd /sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-intel/src/bigdft-1.6.0-gnu

module load NetCDF/4.1.3-gnu
module load ATLAS/3.9.39
module load cuda/4.0
module load opencl/cudasdk-4
module load opencl/opencl-1.1

./configure   --prefix=/sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu CXX=c++ CC=gcc FC=gfortran  F77=gfortran --with-netcdf-path=/sw/netCDF/4.1.3-gnu   2>&1 --disable-mpi |tee configure.gnu.txt

C   compiler:              gcc
C   flags:
CXX compiler:              c++
CXX flags:                 -g -O2
Linker flags:              -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64:-L/sw/ATLAS/3.9.39/lib
Linked libraries:

NVidia Cuda Compiler:      /usr/local/cuda/bin//nvcc
NVCC flags:                -g -O3 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -arch sm_13
NVCC C Compiler:

Cuda emulation:            no
Trace functions:           no
Verbose:                   no

Installation paths:
Source code location:      .
Prefix:                    /sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu
Exec prefix:               ${prefix}
Binaries:                  ${exec_prefix}/bin
Static libraries:          ${exec_prefix}/lib

BigDFT configure summary:

  Fortran90 compiler:        gfortran
  Fortran90 compiler name:
  Fortran90 flags:           -g -O2
  Fortran77 compiler:        gfortran
  Fortran77 flags:           -g -O2
  Linker flags:              -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64:-L/sw/ATLAS/3.9.39/lib -L$(top_builddir)/libxc-1.1.0/src/.libs -L$(top_builddir)/libABINIT/src
  Linked libraries:          $(top_builddir)/src/libbigdft.a -labinit $(top_builddir)/src/libdft_common.a -lxc     -llapack -lblas -larchive     -lrt

  Library ABINIT:            yes
  Library BigDFT:            yes
  Main binaries (cluster...):yes
  Minima hopping binary:     no
  atom and pseudo binaries:  no
  User documentation:        yes
  Devel. documentation:      yes / no

  Debug version:             no
  With MPI:                  no
   | include dir.:           -I$(top_builddir)/src/modules
   | linker flags:
   | linked libraries:
   | MPI_INIT_THREAD avail:
   | MPI2 support:
  With optimised conv.:      yes
  With Cuda GPU conv.:       no
   | NVidia Cuda Compiler:
   | Cuda flags:
  With OpenCL support:       no
  With dgemmsy support:      no
  With libXC:                yes
   | internal built:         yes
   | include dir.:           -I$(top_builddir)/libxc-1.1.0/src
  With libABINIT:            yes
   | internal built:         yes
   | include dir.:           -I$(top_builddir)/libABINIT/src
  With libS_GPU:             no
   | internal built:         no
   | include dir.:
  With ETSF_IO:              no
   | include dir.:
  With libarchive:           yes
   | C flags:
   | linked libraries:       -larchive

Installation paths:
  Source code location:      .
  Prefix:                    /sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu
  Exec prefix:               ${prefix}
  Binaries:                  ${exec_prefix}/bin
  Static libraries:          ${exec_prefix}/lib
  Fortran modules:           ${prefix}/include/
  Documentation:             ${datarootdir}/doc/${PACKAGE_TARNAME}


make 2>&1  |tee make.gnu.txt
make check 2>&1 make-check.gnu.txt
make install 2>&1  |tee make-install.gnu.txt


Intel versions - incomplete

Intel version with intel MPI and Cuda support - Install not complete....

./configure --help

cd /sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-intel/src/bigdft-1.6.0-intel-cuda-intelmpi

module load intel-cmkl-11/11.1.072
module load intel-mpi/
module load intel-tools-11/11.1.072
module load intel-cc-11/11.1.072
module load intel-fc-11/11.1.072
module load cuda/4.0
module load opencl/cudasdk-4
module load opencl/opencl-1.1
module load NetCDF/4.1.3-gnu
module load ATLAS/3.9.39

 ./configure  --enable-cuda-gpu --with-cuda-path=/usr/local/cuda --prefix=/sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-intel-cuda-intelmpi CXX=mpiicpc CC=mpiicc FC=mpiifort  F77=mpif77 --with-netcdf-path=/sw/netCDF/4.1.3-gnu --with-mpi-include=-I/sw/sdev/intel/mpi/  2>&1  |tee configure.intel-cuda-intelmpi.txt

C   compiler:              mpiicc
C   flags:
CXX compiler:              mpiicpc
CXX flags:                 -g -O2
Linker flags:              -L/sw/ATLAS/3.9.39/lib:-L/usr/local/cuda/lib64:-L/sw/sdev/intel/Compiler/11.1/072/mkl/lib/em64t
Linked libraries:

NVidia Cuda Compiler:
NVCC flags:                -g -O3 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -arch sm_13
NVCC C Compiler:

Cuda emulation:            no
Trace functions:           no
Verbose:                   no

Installation paths:
Source code location:      .
Prefix:                    /sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-intel-cuda-intelmpi
Exec prefix:               ${prefix}
Binaries:                  ${exec_prefix}/bin
Static libraries:          ${exec_prefix}/lib

BigDFT configure summary:

  Fortran90 compiler:        mpiifort
  Fortran90 compiler name:
  Fortran90 flags:           -g -assume noold_unit_star
  Fortran77 compiler:        mpif77
  Fortran77 flags:           -O2
  Linker flags:              -L/sw/ATLAS/3.9.39/lib:-L/usr/local/cuda/lib64:-L/sw/sdev/intel/Compiler/11.1/072/mkl/lib/em64t -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 -L$(top_builddir)/libxc-1.1.0/src/.libs -L$(top_builddir)/libABINIT/src
  Linked libraries:          $(top_builddir)/src/libbigdft.a -labinit $(top_builddir)/src/libdft_common.a -lxc $(top_builddir)/S_GPU/src/.libs/libs_gpu.a -lstdc++ -lcudart -lcublas   -llapack -lblas -larchive     -lrt

  Library ABINIT:            yes
  Library BigDFT:            yes
  Main binaries (cluster...):yes
  Minima hopping binary:     no
  atom and pseudo binaries:  no
  User documentation:        yes
  Devel. documentation:      yes / no

  Debug version:             no
  With MPI:                  yes
   | include dir.:           -I/sw/sdev/intel/mpi/
   | linker flags:
   | linked libraries:
   | MPI_INIT_THREAD avail:  yes
   | MPI2 support:           yes
  With optimised conv.:      yes
  With Cuda GPU conv.:       yes
   | NVidia Cuda Compiler:   /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc
   | Cuda flags:
  With OpenCL support:       no
  With dgemmsy support:      no
  With libXC:                yes
   | internal built:         yes
   | include dir.:           -I$(top_builddir)/libxc-1.1.0/src
  With libABINIT:            yes
   | internal built:         yes
   | include dir.:           -I$(top_builddir)/libABINIT/src
  With libS_GPU:             yes
   | internal built:         yes
   | include dir.:           -DCUBLAS_USE_THUNKING -I$(top_srcdir)/S_GPU/src
  With ETSF_IO:              no
   | include dir.:
  With libarchive:           yes
   | C flags:
   | linked libraries:       -larchive

Installation paths:
  Source code location:      .
  Prefix:                    /sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-intel-cuda-intelmpi
  Exec prefix:               ${prefix}
  Binaries:                  ${exec_prefix}/bin
  Static libraries:          ${exec_prefix}/lib
  Fortran modules:           ${prefix}/include/
  Documentation:             ${datarootdir}/doc/${PACKAGE_TARNAME}

make 2>&1  |tee make.intel-cuda-intelmpi.txt

This gives error...check it out..

make check 2>&1 make-check.intel-cuda-intelmpi.txt
make install 2>&1  |tee make-install.intel-cuda-intelmpi.txt

Install not complete....

Intel version with intel mpi - incomplete

Intel version with cuda - incomplete

Intel version - incomplete

Other attempts - incomplete

 ./configure  --enable-cuda-gpu --with-cuda-path=/usr/local/cuda 2>&1 |tee configure.log

./configure --with-ext-linalg " -lmkl_intel64 -lmkl_lapack" --with-ext-linalg-path="-L/sw/sdev/intel/Compiler/11.1/072/mkl/lib/64" --prefix=/sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-intel FC=mpif90 --with-blas  --with-blas-path "/sw/sdev/intel/Compiler/11.1/072/mkl/lib/64" --enable-cuda-gpu --with-cuda-path=/usr/local/cuda 2>&1 |tee configure.log

--enable-cuda-gpu / --enable-opencl

../configure --with-ext-linalg "-lmkl_em64t -lmkl_lapack" 
--prefix=/sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-intel FC=mpif90 --enable-cuda-gpu --enable-opencl


--prefix option is provided also to specify the destination directory for installation

gnu version with openMPI and Cuda support

This caused a lot of issues. However, thanks to Todd Chruchwood from SGI who managed to configure it by commenting out lines 8272-8277 of configure.

#if  test $withlinalg = "no" && test $withblas = "no"  ; then
#  as_fn_error "\"No blas library. Use --with-blas-path or check your Blas installation.\"" "$LINENO" 5
#if  test $withlinalg = "no" && test $withlapack = "no"  ; then
#  as_fn_error "\"No lapack library. Use --with-lapack-path or check your Lapack installation. Linalg: $LINALG_LIBS\"" "$LINENO" 5
cd /sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-intel/src/bigdft-1.6.0-gnu

module load cuda/4.0
module load opencl/cudasdk-4
module load opencl/opencl-1.1
module load mpi/openMPI/1.4.3-gnu
module load NetCDF/4.1.3-gnu
module load ATLAS/3.9.39

 ./configure  --enable-cuda-gpu --with-cuda-path=/usr/local/cuda --prefix=/sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-openmpi-cuda CXX=mpic++ CC=mpicc FC=mpif90  F77=mpif77 --with-netcdf-path=/sw/netCDF/4.1.3-gnu    2>&1  |tee configure.gnu-openmpi-cuda.txt

(Not neded: --with-mpi-include=-I/sw/openMPI/1.4.3-gnu/include)

C   compiler:              mpicc
C   flags:
CXX compiler:              mpic++
CXX flags:                 -g -O2
Linker flags:              -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64
Linked libraries:

NVidia Cuda Compiler:      /usr/local/cuda/bin//nvcc
NVCC flags:                -g -O3 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -arch sm_13
NVCC C Compiler:

Cuda emulation:            no
Trace functions:           no
Verbose:                   no

Installation paths:
Source code location:      .
Prefix:                    /sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-openmpi-cuda
Exec prefix:               ${prefix}
Binaries:                  ${exec_prefix}/bin
Static libraries:          ${exec_prefix}/lib

BigDFT configure summary:

  Fortran90 compiler:        mpif90
  Fortran90 compiler name:
  Fortran90 flags:           -g -O2
  Fortran77 compiler:        mpif77
  Fortran77 flags:           -g -O2
  Linker flags:              -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 -L/usr/local/cuda/lib -L$(top_builddir)/libxc-1.1.0/src/.libs -L$(top_builddir)/libABINIT/src
  Linked libraries:          $(top_builddir)/src/libbigdft.a -labinit $(top_builddir)/src/libdft_common.a -lxc $(top_builddir)/S_GPU/src/.libs/libs_gpu.a -lstdc++ -lcudart -lcublas       -lrt

  Library ABINIT:            yes
  Library BigDFT:            yes
  Main binaries (cluster...):yes
  Minima hopping binary:     no
  atom and pseudo binaries:  no
  User documentation:        yes
  Devel. documentation:      yes / no

  Debug version:             no
  With MPI:                  yes
   | include dir.:
   | linker flags:
   | linked libraries:
   | MPI_INIT_THREAD avail:  yes
   | MPI2 support:           yes
  With optimised conv.:      yes
  With Cuda GPU conv.:       yes
   | NVidia Cuda Compiler:   /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc
   | Cuda flags:
  With OpenCL support:       no
  With dgemmsy support:      no
  With libXC:                yes
   | internal built:         yes
   | include dir.:           -I$(top_builddir)/libxc-1.1.0/src
  With libABINIT:            yes
   | internal built:         yes
   | include dir.:           -I$(top_builddir)/libABINIT/src
  With libS_GPU:             yes
   | internal built:         yes
   | include dir.:           -DCUBLAS_USE_THUNKING -I$(top_srcdir)/S_GPU/src
  With ETSF_IO:              no
   | include dir.:
  With libarchive:           warn
   | C flags:
   | linked libraries:

Installation paths:
  Source code location:      .
  Prefix:                    /sw/BigDFT/1.6.0-gnu-openmpi-cuda
  Exec prefix:               ${prefix}
  Binaries:                  ${exec_prefix}/bin
  Static libraries:          ${exec_prefix}/lib
  Fortran modules:           ${prefix}/include/
  Documentation:             ${datarootdir}/doc/${PACKAGE_TARNAME}

  libarchive:                disabled by tests


make 2>&1 | tee make-gnu-openmpi-cuda.log.txt