Simulating WAves Nearshore
SWAN is a third-generation wave model that computes random, short-crested wind-generated waves in coastal regions and inland waters. http://swanmodel.sourceforge.net/
Official SWAN site http://www.swan.tudelft.nl/
Usage Manual: http://swanmodel.sourceforge.net/online_doc/swanuse/swanuse.html
SWAN installation manual : http://swanmodel.sourceforge.net/online_doc/swanimp/node7.html
swan-gnu - MPI version
install dir
module load swan/mpi/4085-gnu
Installation Notes
mkdir /sw/swan/mpi cd /sw/swan/mpi tar -xvf /data1/swan4085.tar.gz mv swan4085 4085-gnu cd /sw/swan/mpi/4085-gnu module load mpi/openMPI/1.4.3-gnu make clobber;make clean;make config make mpi chmod +x swanrun
install dir
module load swan/serial/4085-gnu
Installation Notes
mkdir /sw/swan/serial cd /sw/swan/serial tar -xvf /data1/swan4085.tar.gz mv swan4085 4085-gnu cd /sw/swan/serial/4085-gnu make clobber;make clean;make config make ser chmod +x swanrun
swan-gnu - OpenMP version
install dir
module load swan/omp/4085-gnu
Installation Notes
mkdir /sw/swan/omp cd /sw/swan/omp tar -xvf /data1/swan4085.tar.gz mv swan4085 4085-gnu cd /sw/swan/omp/4085-gnu make clobber;make clean;make config make mpi chmod +x swanrun
swan-intel - MPI version
mkdir /sw/swan/mpi/ cd /sw/swan/mpi/ tar -xvf /data1/swan4085.tar.gz mv swan4085 4085-intelmpi cd sw/swan/intel/mpi/4085-intelmpi module load intel-cmkl-11/11.2.137 intel-cc-11/11.1.072 intel-fc-11/ intel-tools-11/11.2.137 intel-mpi/ module list Currently Loaded Modulefiles: 1) intel-cmkl-11/11.2.137 2) intel-cc-11/11.1.072 3) intel-fc-11/ 4) intel-tools-11/11.2.137 5) intel-mpi/ edit the platform.pl file and change this From: print OUTFILE "F90_MPI = mpif90\n"; To print OUTFILE "F90_MPI = mpiifort\n"; (Line 166) make clobber;make clean; make config perl switch.pl -unix -f95 -mpi *.ftn *.ftn90 make mpi 2>&1 |tee make_swan_intelmpi.txt chmod +x swanrun
install dir
module load swan/mpi/4085-intel
Installation Notes
PBS and swan
mpi jobs
more swanrun_openMPI.pbs00 #PBS -m e #PBS -M <youremail>@griffith.edu.au #PBS -N swanOpenMPI #PBS -l select=3:ncpus=4:mem=12g:mpiprocs=4 source $HOME/.bashrc module load swan/mpi/4085-gnu SWAN_DIR=/export/home/snumber/modelling/swan SWAN_FORECAST_WORK=/export/home/snumber/modelling/swan/forecast/work SWAN_EXEC=/export/home/snumber/modelling/swan/swan4085 HOME_DIR=/export/home/snumber/ echo "Starting job" ## The number of nodes is given by the select =<NUM > above NODES=3 ###$PBS_NODEFILE is a node-list file created with select and mpiprocs options by PBS ###### The number of MPI processes available is mpiprocs * nodes (=NPROCS) NPROCS=12 cd $SWAN_FORECAST_WORK cat $PBS_NODEFILE >machinefile mpirun --prefix /sw/openMPI/1.4.3-gnu/ -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE -np $NPROCS env PATH=$PATH:$SWAN_EXEC:$SWAN_FORECAST_WORK env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH swanrun -input ${SWAN_FORECAST_WORK}/swan_eau_forecast.swn -mpi $NPROCS cd $SWAN_DIR/pbs/jobs echo "Done with job"
openMP job
#PBS -m e #PBS -M MyEmail@griffith.edu.au #PBS -N swanrun_omp #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=3:mem=24g source $HOME/.bashrc ##module load NetCDF/3.6.3 module load swan/omp/4085-gnu SWAN_DIR=/export/home/snumber/modelling/swan SWAN_FORECAST_WORK=/export/home/snumber/modelling/swan/forecast/work SWAN_EXEC=/export/home/snumber/modelling/swan/swan4085 HOME_DIR=/export/home/snumber/ echo "Starting job" OMP_NUM_THREADS=3 export OMP_NUM_THREADS cd /export/home/snumber/modelling/swan/forecast/20110808/scripts /export/home/snumber/modelling/swan/forecast/work env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${SWAN_EXEC}/swanrun -input swan_eau_forecast swanrun -input ${SWAN_FORECAST_WORK}/swan_eau_forecast.swn -omp $OMP_NUM_THREADS cd /export/home/snumber/modelling/swan/pbs/jobs echo "Done with job"
swan - serial job
#PBS -m e #PBS -M myEmail@griffith.edu.au #PBS -N swanrun_serial #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=3:mem=24g source $HOME/.bashrc module load swan/serial/4085-gnu SWAN_DIR=/export/home/snumber/modelling/swan SWAN_FORECAST_WORK=/export/home/snumber/modelling/swan/forecast/work SWAN_EXEC=/export/home/snumber/modelling/swan/swan4085 HOME_DIR=/export/home/snumber/ echo "Starting job" cd /export/home/snumber/modelling/swan/forecast/20110808/scripts swanrun -input ${SWAN_FORECAST_WORK}/swan_eau_forecast.swn cd /export/home/snumber/modelling/swan/pbs/jobs echo "Done with job"
, multiple selections available,