

RTAX provides rapid taxonomic assignments of paired-end reads using a consensus algorithm.


module load bioinformatics/rtax/0.983


RTAX consists of a set of perl scripts and a shell script ("rtax") to wire
them together. No compilation is needed; just extract the package to a
convenient location.

The perl scripts must remain in the "scripts" directory below the "rtax" shell
script, but the latter can be symlinked anywhere for convenience. e.g: Place in
/sw/bioinformatics/rtax/0.983/ and then symlink the script into your path
(e.g., "ln -s /sw/bioinformatics/rtax/0.983/rtax /usr/local/bin").

   Installing rtax-0.981
   1. mkdir /sw/bioinformatics/rtax/0.981/src 
   2. wget http://dev.davidsoergel.com/trac/rtax/raw-attachment/wiki/Releases/rtax-0.981.tgz
   3. cd /sw/bioinformatics/rtax/0.981; tar -zxvf src/rtax-0.981.tgz
   4. cd /sw/bioinformatics/rtax/0.981/rtax-0.981;mv * ../; cd /sw/bioinformatics/rtax/0.981; rmdir rtax-0.981


1. http://dev.davidsoergel.com/rtax
2. David A. W. Soergel (1*), Rob Knight (2), and Steven E. Brenner (1)