Installing VarScan
The new release (VarScan 2) is written in Java and thus runs on any operating system (Linux, UNIX, Mac OSX, even Windows) through the Java Virtual Machine. To install it, run VarScan from the command line:
java -jar VarScan.v2.2.jar
Usage information will be displayed. For details on using VarScan, please see the User's Manual.
Documentation: http://varscan.sourceforge.net/doc/index.html
module load bioinformatics/VarScan/2.2.11
mkdir /sw/bioinformatics/VarScan cd /sw/bioinformatics/VarScan ls VarScan.v2.2.11.jar java -jar VarScan.v2.2.11.jar VarScan v2.3 USAGE: java -jar VarScan.jar [COMMAND] [OPTIONS] COMMANDS: pileup2snp Identify SNPs from a pileup file pileup2indel Identify indels a pileup file pileup2cns Call consensus and variants from a pileup file mpileup2snp Identify SNPs from an mpileup file mpileup2indel Identify indels an mpileup file mpileup2cns Call consensus and variants from an mpileup file somatic Call germline/somatic variants from tumor-normal pileups copynumber Determine relative tumor copy number from tumor-normal pileups readcounts Obtain read counts for a list of variants from a pileup file filter Filter SNPs by coverage, frequency, p-value, etc. somaticFilter Filter somatic variants for clusters/indels processSomatic Isolate Germline/LOH/Somatic calls from output copyCaller GC-adjust and process copy number changes from VarScan copynumber output compare Compare two lists of positions/variants limit Restrict pileup/snps/indels to ROI positions