Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)
ROMS is a free-surface, terrain-following, primitive equations ocean model widely used by the scientific community for a diverse range of applications
Special Note
ROMS has not been made available to all cluster users currently. If there is sufficient interest, it can be made available to all users. However, please see below notes on how to build this package on gowonda.
Serial Version
module load roms/3.5serial-gnu
MPI version
module load roms/3.5mpi-gnu
Shared Memory (Open MP version)
module load roms/3.5omp-gnu
Build Instructions from the installation manual
You can also type make at the top of the directory structure where the makefile is located but we do not recommend this process because it requires changing the ROMS files which can cause conflicts when you update you ROMS code.
To speed compilation, you may want to add the -j <n> flag to the build command (i.e. -j 4) where <n> is the number of processors you wish to compile with. Even single processor machines can benefit from the -j flag with <n> = 2.
o make sure your application can compile successfully, you might want to set USE_DEBUG to on in the build script since it will compile faster. Once your application can compile you can unset USE_DEBUG in order to create an optimized executable.
As mentioned in makefile, you need to provide settings for some user-defined choices before you can compile ROMS. If you have more than one application (or more than one compiler), you may get tired of editing the makefile. One option is to have a makefile for each configuration. The recommended solution, however, is to used the ROMS build script.
There are two of these build scripts in the ROMS/Bin directory: (which is surprisingly a csh script) and build.bash. The build scripts use environment variables to provide values for the user-defined make variables, overwriting those found in the ROMS makefile. Just as in the multiple makefile option, you will need as many copies of the build script as you have applications. However, the scope of these variables is local to the build script, allowing you to compile different applications at the same time from the same sources as long as each $(SCRATCH_DIR) is unique.
Usage: ./build.bash [options] Options: -j [N] Compile in parallel using N CPUs. Omit argument to compile on all available CPUs. -noclean Do not clean already compiled objects. Example: ./ -j 2
Test Build
module purge module load mpi/openMPI/1.4.3-gnu module load NetCDF/4.1.3-gnu module list Currently Loaded Modulefiles: 1) mpi/openMPI/1.4.3-gnu 2) library/zlib/1.2.5 3) library/hdf5/1.8.7 4) NetCDF/4.1.3-gnu cd ROMS/Bin/ cp build.bash build-gnu.bash
vi build-gnu.bash
Item# | User Definable Compilation Options | Modified One |
2. | MY_ROOT_DIR=${HOME}/ocean/repository | MY_ROOT_DIR=${HOME}/pbs/dj/modelling/ocean/repository |
3. | MY_PROJECT_DIR=${PWD} | Same |
4. | MY_ROMS_SRC=${MY_ROOT_DIR}/trunk | MY_ROMS_SRC=${HOME}/pbs/dj/modelling/roms/src |
5. | export COMPILERS=${MY_ROMS_SRC}/Compilers | same |
6. | MY_CPP_FLAGS | same |
7. | export USE_MPI=on # distributed-memory parallelism export USE_MPIF90=on # compile with mpif90 script | same |
8. | export which_MPI=openmpi # compile with OpenMPI library | same |
9. | #export USE_OpenMP=on # shared-memory parallelism you cannot set USE_OpenMP and USE_MPI at the same time. | same |
10. | export FORT=gfortran | same |
11. | export USE_DEBUG=on # use Fortran debugging flags | same |
12. | export USE_LARGE=on # activate 64-bit compilation | same |
13. | export USE_NETCDF4=on # compile with NetCDF-4 library | same |
14. | #export USE_PARALLEL_IO=on # Parallel I/O with Netcdf-4/HDF5 | same |
15. | #export USE_MY_LIBS=on # use my library paths below Use the custom library paths specified below for coupling libraries, NetCDF libraries, etc. | same |
16. | gfortran ) if [ "${which_MPI}" = "mpich2" ]; then export PATH=/opt/gfortransoft/mpich2/bin:$PATH elif [ "${which_MPI}" = "openmpi" ]; then export PATH=/sw/openMPI/1.4.3-gnu/bin:$PATH fi ;; | - |
17. | export MY_HEADER_DIR=${MY_PROJECT_DIR} | export MY_HEADER_DIR=${HOME}/pbs/dj/modelling/roms/ROMS/Include |
18. | export MY_ANALYTICAL_DIR=${MY_PROJECT_DIR} | same |
19. | export BINDIR=${MY_PROJECT_DIR} | same |
20. | export SCRATCH_DIR=${MY_PROJECT_DIR}/Build | same |
Edit this file as well: src/Compilers/
and add
FC := /sw/openMPI/1.4.3-gnu/bin/mpif90
ifdef USE_MPIF90 # FC := /usr/lib64/mpich2/bin/mpif90 # FC := /usr/lib64/lam/bin/mpif77 FC := /sw/openMPI/1.4.3-gnu/bin/mpif90
sh build-gnu.bash 2>&1 |tee roms_build.txt
./oceanG Model Input Parameters: ROMS/TOMS version 3.5 Wednesday - August 31, 2011 - 10:47:25 AM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INP_PAR - Unable to open ROMS/TOMS input script file. In distributed-memory applications, the input script file is processed in parallel. The Unix routine GETARG is used to get script file name. For example, in MPI applications make sure that command line is something like: mpirun -np 4 ocean and not mpirun -np 4 ocean < Elapsed CPU time (seconds): Analytical header files used:
Sample PBS script
cat romsrun-forecast-openMPI.pbs
#PBS -m abe #PBS -M <YourEmail> #PBS -N ROMS_OpenMPI #PBS -l select=5:ncpus=2:mem=4g:mpiprocs=2 source $HOME/.bashrc module load mpi/openMPI/1.4.3-gnu module load NetCDF/4.1.3-gnu ## The number of nodes is given by the select =<NUM > above NODES=5 ###$PBS_NODEFILE is a node-list file created with select and mpiprocs options by PBS ###### The number of MPI processes available is mpiprocs * nodes (=NPROCS) NPROCS=10 ROMS_DIR=/export/home/<snumber>/pbs/dj/modelling/roms/forecast/work HOME_DIR=/export/home/<snumber> BIN_DIR=/export/home/snumber/pbs/dj/modelling/roms/src/ROMS/Bin/ echo "Starting job" /sw/openMPI/1.4.3-gnu/bin/mpirun -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE -np $NPROCS env PATH=$PATH env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${BIN_DIR}/oceanG ${ROMS_DIR}/ # echo "Done with job"
Compiling roms for openMP (shared memory) run
module purge module load NetCDF/4.1.3-gnu sh build-gnu-openMP.bash 2>&1 |tee roms_openMP_build.txt
Sample pbs file
cat romsrun-forecast-openMP.pbs
#PBS -m abe #PBS -M <YourEmail> #PBS -N ROMS_OpenMP #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=4:mem=12g source $HOME/.bashrc module load NetCDF/4.1.3-gnu #To run ROMS in parallel with shared-memory mode (OpenMP) on four processors export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 ROMS_DIR=/export/home/<snumber>/pbs/dj/modelling/roms/forecast/work HOME_DIR=/export/home/<snumber> BIN_DIR=/export/home/snumber/pbs/dj/modelling/roms/src/ROMS/Bin/ echo "Starting job" ${BIN_DIR}/oceanG-openMP < ${ROMS_DIR}/ # echo "Done with job"
Compiling roms for serial run
cd /export/home/snumber/pbs/dj/modelling/roms/src/ROMS/Bin module purge module load NetCDF/4.1.3-gnu sh build-gnu-serial.bash 2>&1 |tee roms_serial_build.txt
Sample pbs file
cat romsrun-forecast-openMP.pbs
#PBS -m abe #PBS -M <YourEmail> #PBS -N ROMS_OpenMP #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=4:mem=12g source $HOME/.bashrc module load NetCDF/4.1.3-gnu ROMS_DIR=/export/home/<snumber>/pbs/dj/modelling/roms/forecast/work HOME_DIR=/export/home/<snumber> BIN_DIR=/export/home/snumber/pbs/dj/modelling/roms/src/ROMS/Bin/ echo "Starting job" ${BIN_DIR}/oceanG-serial < ${ROMS_DIR}/ # echo "Done with job"